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In coordination with Tweed Shire Council, during 2024 Gales will continue preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for Slink. In 2023 Gales undertook community consultation and engagement as part of that process.

Stakeholders and the public were given the opportunity to review the preliminary plans and provide comments, the feedback date ended on 30 September 2023.  The feedback was overwhelmingly positive in favour of the new Slink connection. The feedback will be considered by the consultant team and where necessary suggestions and concerns will be considered in the final design and EIS.  Once the EIS and detailed plans are prepared they will be advertised by Council


​A survey was also undertaken in 2021 which, like in 2023, showed overwhelming support for Slink. As the new Tweed Valley Hospital nears completion the community desire and need for Slink is clear and Gales hopes that will Council and NSW Government this critical link road through Gales land will come to fruition as soon as possible. 

The form below was used for the EIS Survey which ended on 30 September 2023. If you have comments past this date you may still fill out the form. While the comments will not form part of the official Survey, they will be read by the Gales team.


1.2 New Link Road graphic.jpg

Slink will:

Provide a direct link between Tweed Coast Road and Turnock Street at the Elrond Drive roundabout


Relieve traffic congestion, especially once the hospital opens in 2024 

Be built on Gales land

Generally separate development to the north and environmental conservation to the south as shown in the Kingscliff DCP

Slink alignment was adopted by Council in the DCP and KLP 2020 after extensive community consultation

See report and extracts from Bitzios Traffic Assessment 2021 below the Survey


Your feedback

Your feedback can be related to any aspect of the proposed road e.g. need, timing, location, etc.  The feedback will be considered in the preparation of the EIS and final application plans.  The feedback will also be provided to Council and relevant NSW government authorities in a consultation report.

Please complete fields marked with an asterisk * in order to verify authenticity of survey responses

Would you like to be added to the Gales Community Update distribution list?

Thanks for submitting!

Bitzios graph.PNG

Above: Bitzios Traffic Analysis (2021) for Cudgen Road

KLP New Link Road.png

Above: Turnock Street 

Graphic from Council KLP DCP 2020 p227

‘.. the primary gateway entrance into Kingscliff from the Tweed Coast  Road …a character defining collector  road integrating cycle and pedestrian movement,  parking, shade and lighting with landscaping including street trees’ 

Extracts from Bitzios Traffic Assessment 2021

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New Link Road - Bitizos Graph.PNG
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Car graphic.png

‘The link road would greatly reduce traffic capacity issues on Cudgen Road, which will occur irrespective of the Gales development and be exacerbated by the opening of the Hospital in 2023.’  (Bitzios Traffic Assessment August 2021)

‘The proposed link road, widening Tweed Coast Road to four lanes, and intersection upgrades are all required to ameliorate future capacity issues associated with anticipated growth within Kingscliff including the Hospital.’

‘By 2023 following the opening of the Hospital, Cudgen Road is expected to reach its theoretical capacity as the only road connection for traffic between Tweed Coast Road and Kingscliff.’

'Improve emergency vehicle access to the Hospital by reducing through traffic volumes and associated delays at Cudgen Road intersections.’

‘The early construction of the link road would provide significant immediate benefits to local road capacity, reduce congestion and ameliorate safety and amenity impacts associated with significant ongoing traffic growth forecast for the surrounding road network. This will subsequently greatly improve access to residences and businesses in Kingscliff Village with consequent commercial / employment benefits.’

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